Setting Goals and Realizing Your Purpose

As the new year has began, stop and think a moment about what your goals, desires and purpose include. If you have not considered any, now is the time to do so. It is not necessary to share them with anyone in particular. Sometimes you and God are the ones to know this. We all want to live fulfilling and purposeful lives. It is truly possible to accomplish this. Surround yourself with others that motivate and encourage you to be your very best. They too must have the drive to be better individuals. When you think about happiness, don't dare rely on others to ensure that you are happy. That job is too important for someone else to have that control. Happiness is an inside job. In the midst of any circumstance, we can still choose to remain positive and learn from the experience. So with that said ladies and gentlemen, let's get motivated to receive supernatural favor. We first have to step out of our comfort zones and have faith and courage to do things a little differently. Do understand when God gives you favor, there will be "favor haters". But guess what, that's not your concern. Keep doing what God has called you to do. Let the haters be your motivators. Always remember that elevation sometimes require separation. If you want a different result, change what you are doing so that greater will manifest. Speak only those things that you want to see. Challenge yourself to become more positive. Remember to SETUP. Start mapping out every area of your life Evaluate your circle. Take action. Understand God's timing. Praise him for the small things. Have a great day family. #higherlevelthinking